Thank you, legislators
Many thanks to District 30’s State Sen. Claire Wilson and our State Representatives Jamila Taylor and Jesse Johnson for appearing at the April 5 Federal Way City Council meeting and sharing the results of their work on behalf of their Federal Way constituents.
Senator Wilson worked hard on housing issues, supporting two efforts to protect more than 2,600 District 30 households living in manufactured/mobile home parks. Though neither bill was fully successful, her efforts are much appreciated!
Representative Johnson led efforts last term to make Federal Way residents safe from unreasonable and deadly police actions. His proposals to make police accountable for their actions that willfully or carelessly injure or kill civilians remain high points of the legislative sessions. Holding police accountable to public safety also prevents expensive payouts, which come at taxpayer expense.
Unfortunately, many of those in attendance at the council meeting belong to a group whose main purpose, it seems, is to criticize and oppose any meaningful efforts to combat the national scourges of increased crime, homelessness and addiction that also affect Federal Way. During public comment, speakers made vague and often untrue statements about those suffering addiction and homelessness. Speakers went over the three-minute time limit without being stopped. Despite Mayor Jim Ferrell’s warning that selective applause and outbursts are intimidating to other audience members, again, there was no attempt to enforce civil behavior.
In this charged atmosphere, District 30’s senator and representatives remained poised and positive about their efforts to meet the needs of their constituents. They deserve our thanks for a job well done!